Help Tips to Beat Depression in Men
Men generally less like to express their emotional feelings to others. Particularly they do not want to express that, they are in depression or depressive illness. Men believe that they can get rid of depression by themselves. But sometimes tiredness, sadness, loss of interest, loneliness etc signs of depression may not be cured by the men. If the male can take proper steps or follow some useful tips then they can see the successful outcome regarding recovery of depressive illness. So it is beneficiary for the men to follow the tips to get rid depression rather than self help. Self help is also an important tool to reduce depressive disorder, but in some cases self help tactics are not sufficient for recovery. Some depressed men require some extra care or extra tips along with the self help tactics. In order to remove depression, here are some tips for those men who really need some helps.

- (A) Hopelessness, lonely feeling can gradually reduce your charm of life. So try to make some social connection or engage in some exciting social activities like attain party, go the movie or go to the picnic with family and friends.
- (B) In order to remove the feelings of worthless, do such works or activities which can help you to get importance form others. For example, fulfill your responsibilities towards your work or family.
- (C) If you are in depressive disorder then you will always feel tiredness. If you are being disable to perform your duty fully then try to divide your task in some sections. Do not take any stress or overload upon you. This can hamper you more.
- (D) People usually love to do their favorite activities. Someone prefer to go to tour, someone prefer to read books. So in order to get rid of boredom, do your favorite activities. Engage yourself into your own world.
- (E) Consult your doctor or General Practitioner to get help. Take their prescribed medicine.
- (F) If you are feeling restless or loss of interest at any work then try to take meditation course. There are many treatment centers which can help you.
- (G) Do not feel hesitate to share your problem with your friends and family. Sometimes they can also help you.
- (H) Depression is often become responsible for poor martial relationship or for divorce. But before taking any big decision try to mutual with your partner, if needed then talk with your other family member, which may sort out your problem.
- (I) Still if you are feeling not well after taking the medicine then do not get upset. Most often the medicines of depression work gradually.
- (J) Always try to carry the positive thing, do not loss your self esteem. It will help you to fight against depression.
- (K) Music is an excellent media for refreshing the mind. If you are feeling bore then try to listen music. It can really help you to refresh your mind.
- (L) Sometimes a silly game on the computer can help you to get rid of agitation.
- (M) Do regular exercise. It will help you to remove your exhaustion.
- (N) In some areas there could have laughing clubs. You can try if you want.
- (O) Try to take some break during your work for having lunch or tea.
- (P)Take a long bath under candlelight with scented bathroom candles.
- (Q) Change your food habit. Eat regularly and try to eat nutritious food which may reduce your constipation problem.
- (R) Avoid excess alcohol. Increased use of such intoxicant could depression worse. Even the Antidepressants will not work properly if you are drinking anything which is bad for your health
- (S) If there any Occupational Health Department in your office, then go to there and tell them about your depressive illness. They may be able to help make adjustments reducing the work load or pressure until your illness is improve.
- (T) Help other people; it may remove your feeling of worthlessness.
- (U) Try to regularly watch the sunset, the moon, the stars, or the sunrise. It will give you fresh feeling
- (V) Never lie in bed all day even if you are feeling sick. Go to bed early and wake up early in the morning.. The more you feel like staying in bed, the more you should resist it.
- (W) Make sure that your bedroom is calm and relaxed.